Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Clean Your Blood Toxins | How to Purify Blood Naturally with Herbs

Clean Your Blood Toxins | How to Purify Blood Naturally with Herbs

Detoxification is an important element in maintaining one’s health. This is because if one’s system is unclean and full of impurities, diseases of all sorts are likely to occur. In the same token, purifying the blood is also very important because doing so is the best way to maintain one’s health and keep oneself away and safe from unwanted health problems. In order to detoxify your blood, try consuming the following foods on a regular basis:
Home Remedies Blood Purification

* Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

These foods are rich in nutrients that are badly needed by the body to ensure health and a smooth system. Moreover, they are so desired because fresh vegetable and fruit juices are excellent detoxifiers. Fresh juices made from celery and parsley are the best known detoxifiers of the blood. On the other hand, juices from apple, carrots, beet, and lemon are known for cleansing the kidneys, intestines, and liver.

# One of the factors that can cause toxic substances to remain in your system is indigestion. As such, one should pay attention to the state of one’s digestion. To aid the natural digestion of foods, sprinkle black pepper on your food. Pepper is known to be effective in aiding digestion by stimulating the release of hydrochloric acids that are essential in burning foods. However, if you have low tolerance for spicy foods, makes sure to sprinkle only a small quantity at first.

# One of nature’s wonder foods is garlic, and it is also beneficial in detoxifying your system and in purifying your blood by aiding digestion. Chop three pods of garlic until fine and swallow it with a glass of water. Regular consumption of garlic will detoxify the stomach by reducing toxins and rejuvenating the blood. Moreover, garlic also promotes good intestinal health by promoting the growth of healthy bacteria.

# If there is a pomegranate fruit nearby, dry the peelings of the fruit and ground it until it becomes powdery. Take a teaspoon of this powder and mix it with a glass of warm water. Drink this concoction every morning to detoxify your blood. On the other hand, it is also effective in killing intestinal worms.

# Prepare a mixture of a glass of warm water and a tablespoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Drink this concoction first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Naturally Beautiful (Naturopathy)

Naturopathy is fast gaining popularity around the world for its safe and effective healing. In Indian homes, home remedies come before the trip to the doctor. All ailments are believed to be caused by what you eat and what you don't eat. A traditional Indian doctor will first make slight adjustments to your diet before he prescribes a medicine, which is the last resort.

There are various forms of medicine in practice in India, such as Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani, etc. Ayurveda is based on the theory that with proper diet and corrective therapy aided by massages, techniques of respiration and through meditation, all problems can be cured. Yoga therapy corrects respiration and all bodily imbalances by the use of different postures that facilitate the above and initiate recovery. Yoga is practiced by itself and can be combined with other therapies as well. Diet plays a very important role in Unani medicine as well. When an illness is being treated, diet is controlled during the initial stages and if the problem persists, medicine is administered.

Similarly, skin ailments are also naturally cured. Be it acne, dryness, a rash etc. In fact, in India skin care and beautifying rituals have such an important place that there are 16 steps to complete care. These are cumulatively called Solah Sringar or 16 adornments. These start with the pre-bath oil massage and go up to the perfuming step. The beautifying ritual for a bride begins with a ceremony in which a mixture of gram flour, turmeric and mustard/vegetable oil or clarified butter is rubbed on her. Then she is given a manicure and a pedicure with milk and on the big day she is bathed in milk and rose water. Milk softens the skin and the rose water cools and deodorizes the body.
For those with oily skin, a mixture of gram flour and turmeric makes for a great scrub and face pack removing excess oil and cleansing the face. There are many such concoctions that Indian women use even today for problems as varied as colds and unwanted hair.
Following are a list of such mixtures guaranteed to work very effectively and if they don't work as desired, you can be sure that there won't be any side effects since these are completely natural.

For cough, cold and fever, lemon is very effective. Squeeze a lemon in a glass full of water and drink repeatedly. This will cure all three. But if the fever is high and makes you thirsty, boil the water. This will bring down the fever and reduce the thirst. If the cold is severe, add required amounts of honey in the above mixture. Another very beneficial method is: cut a lemon in half, add in it salt, ground black pepper and powdered molasses. Heat this and squeeze the juice directly on the tongue.
If you don't like the freckles on your face, rub a piece of lemon on them everyday and they will lighten considerably. Sprinkling a little alum on the lemon works wonders for the complexion. Rubbing half a lemon on the teeth not only makes them shiny and bright but will also cure bad breath.
If you are looking to lose some weight, before crash dieting try this: add a little salt and one lemon to 350mls of lukewarm water. Drink this daily on an empty stomach. If you prefer honey to salt, you can substitute. Drink this mixture every time you feel thirsty. Try this for a month and you are sure to see results

Milk should ideally be consumed in the morning since it is believed that the heat of the sun digests milk. Adding sugar to milk is very harmful since it not only induces phlegm, it also destroys the calcium content in it. It should be drunk at room temperature if possible, or cold. But if you prefer warm milk then don't overheat it. Overheating destroys all its beneficial elements. For the sweetening of milk and easy digestion, add honey to it. Never drink milk if you are suffering from cough, constipation, diarrhea, stomachache or indigestion. For acidity, drink cold milk twice a day. And for tiredness a glass of warm milk will prove effective.
For wrinkles, pimples and blemishes apply warm milk and wash with water. Do this regularly before sleeping at night, it will solve your problem and improve your complexion. Adding a little saffron to a spoonful of fresh milk and applying on the lips will cure their darkness and make them softer.
If you are suffering from an itchy rash, add a little water to some milk and apply on the rash with cotton wool and then wash. It will stop the itch and cure the rash.

Salt is good only in small quantities and rock salt is better than sea salt. Eating excessive salt weakens the gums and is also the cause of body odour. Due to excessive consumption of salt, body cells die and these dead cells come out from the pores through perspiration. This makes the odour very strong and foul. To help the situation, eat salt in very small quantities. Salt is very drying, thus excessive amounts of salt causes unnatural thirst. Small quantities of it can be very beneficial.
In a headache, keep a pinch of salt on the tongue and ten minutes later drink a cold glass of water. Or, smell a mixture or three grams of salt in one-fourth cup of water.
For a stomachache, mix half a spoon of salt in a glass of hot water and drink. This will not only cure the pain but will also remove the cause of the pain.
For softening the skin, wet the skin and take a fistful of salt, rub on the skin in circular motions and then wash. Do this once a week, it will slough off dead skin thus making it soft. For cracking heels or rough feet, add salt to warm water and soak your feet

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Beauty tips to remember

Beautiful Skin :
In today's world with competition and perfection being the most essential thing, it is imperative to look good. Make-up will help you to some extent but what is most important is natural beauty and a glowing skin. The major culprits that ruin and play havoc on our skin are ultraviolet rays, pollution and stress to some extent. However the most important thing for a glowing and a fresh look and skin is regular exercise and a balanced diet. However at the same time you also need to give your skin a little time for its care and here are a few tips for your skin care regime.

Your skin requires proper cleansing to keep it properly toned and clean. Cleansing removes the dust and stress from your face by cleaning the pores and circulating the blood supply. Use a gentle cleansing agent. Face washes are specially prepared to be effective at cleansing your skin gently and tenderly. For your body use a good mild and moisturizing soap.

It is essential to use good moisturizers since the UV rays and pollution dries your skin thoroughly and makes it lifeless. There is a range of moisturizers available in the market to suit your skin type but what is important here is to pick the right one with the right components in it. Choose moisturizers, which have anti-aging ingredients and vitamins, added to it and use it regularly. Vitamin A or Retinol and Alphahydroxy Acids are the best anti-aging agents. There are several salts of vitamin A and isotretenioin is found to have definite anti-aging properties and is very effective. It is also an effective care for acne but it dries the skin and also can give mild irritation and hence has to be used under the supervision of dermatologist. Vitamin C is found to have antioxidants and thus has a protective effect on the skin. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant and works by quenching oxygen radicals. Oxygen radicals are formed which causes damage to the skin because of pollution and ultraviolet rays. Collagen, Elastin and Hyaluronic Acid are all good moisturizers as they have a good water binding capacity. Ceramides work effectively on the skin barrier function as well as in the metabolism of the skin. However all these components have to be present in a proper concentration and then only can they be effective.

With the rise in pollution level and the intensity of the ultraviolet rays it is very essential to use sunscreens during daytime to protect your skin form any kind of damage and premature wrinkles even if you are at home because these rays come in through the windows and there is no running away from it. The UVA ultraviolet rays penetrate deep down in the skin and damage not only the top layer of the skin called epidermis but also the collagen and elastin tissues thereby causing wrinkles and sagging skin. These rays tan your skin and also harms the skin immune system thereby making the skin vulnerable to allergies. Another type of UV-rays is UVB. The sunscreen you use should denote the sun protection factor (SPF) and the approximate measure for protection against UVB is 30 or higher is always better and also check out the protection measures against UVA.

Facial is also a vital step towards beautiful skin.Facial thoroughly cleanse your face and remove the top dead layers of the skin resulting into having a beautiful and glowing skin. Facial moisturizers your face effectively and help in faster cell reneval and relaxes the muscle of the face. Facial can also treat problems like dark patches, treating acne, restoring skin colour and toning the skin. Facial must be done at least once a month and by a professional beautician.

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